

I'm stuck in Endicott for February break. I'm quite sure I haven't been bored yet this week, so I'll venture to say that its been good. If I could be anywhere right now, I would want to visit California. I haven't been there since I lived there for a year when I was two so I don't remember anything. If I were to go, I think I would need more than a week though. I wouldn't want to take a plane because I think traveling nationally via plane is silly! I want to experience all the places in between here and my destination. I think it would be infinite amounts of fun to travel out west...I mean, look at how much fun Peter Fonda had [before he died] in Easy Rider!And what about Jack Kerouac?!?
Also, California's great cause it's got everything...if I'm in the mood for a beach, voila! there's a beach. Then, if I feel like going up into a snowy mountain cap, I can take a 45 minute drive and HEY! LOOK! there I am! And then, say I feel like visiting an awesome forest with giant trees, look at that! Redwood galore!

1 comment:

Raoul Duke said...

lets do it lets take a trip to cali it will be the highlight of our senior year