
Dream Job

I posted my blog for yesterday as soon as I woke up, which was before Mrs.Krieger had posted the manditory blog topic soooo I'm posting it today :/ I hope that's not too much of a problem.

My dream job has never really been clear to me...there were things I wanted to do because I liked a certain aspect of it (i.e. money), but never really anything that I passionately wanted to do. Recently, I've figured myself out! hooray! I'm going to school, majoring in Business Marketing and Management and minoring in Entrepeneurship. Yep, I'm opening my own business.
Ever since I learned to think for myself, I've wanted to move to the Netherlands. I would love to live in Europe and the liberal policies of the Netherlands closely match my own opinions. I doubt I will be living in Amsterdam so you all can erase those judgements. ANYWAY, getting to the point. I, and my favorite person, Laura, are opening up a tea shop somewhere in the Netherlands. It's not just going to be a tea shop, but teas will be our focus. Our goal is to attract the Decadent literatis of Europe and have interesting conversations with them...like how a Starbucks is to business men/women. We are going to hold free-to-attend 'dicussions' once a week to feed our craving for debates. I'm excited and I hope it all works out fine.

1 comment:

MemphisKell said...

Hey Mr. G., a tea shop in the Netherlands would be sweet. I would love to visit you. Will you please keep me informed on how things go. That would be awesome to sit around and speak to the intellects of our time. It reminds me of when Mary and Percy Shelley used to hang out with Lord Byron or when the crazy American expatriates used to drink coffee in Paris.