

"I am opposed to any form of tyranny over the mind of man."
One of my favorite quotes! I've borrowed these words from good ol' Tommy J. to assit me in introducing the subject of this blog entry: censorship. Why is something censored in the first place? To protect? That's the only sensical use I can think of. Why do we censor swear words? They are a mode of hightened expression. If it's because they are hurtful or obscene, it is only because we, as a society, have associated vulgarity with that word. The word itself does nothing "vulgar". If the obscenity of words are such a problem than why would society have created and let loose such vicious beasts, anyway?? My, my, what a masochistic society we are.
Now, how about sex? Why does society censor all things sexual? WE ARE ANIMALS; our complex brain functions don't dismiss us from that. Animals are supposed to reproduce, pass on their genes, you know...all that fancy stuff. Why would we censor the creation of life? It makes absolutely no sense. Some people may argue that it makes them "feel uncomfortable," the only reason it would make you uncomfortable is because you were socialized into thinking that sexual acts were something to make you feel as such.
Censoring violence and drug use is also unfounded; ITS REALITY. Ignorance may be bliss but I would much rather be aware of the world that I am residing in than roam around like mindless sheep. If the government is worried its people will be frightened or resort to choatic actions, its part of life, we need to learn to handle ourselves. And hey, perhaps if you're lucky, social darwinism will take care of our population problems! This is the censorship I particularly don't agree with...I mean, if something can be made to happen, than it is nothing to be censored. Reality is what it is, trying to make it out to be some utopian peice of fiction is completely outrageous.

Yep, those are my thoughts...be as critical as you wish; I'm excited to read your opinions.

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