

I had the strangest dream this morning. I'm quite sure I was dreaming of the apocolypse. I was stuck in an extremely small pet shop [where I supposedly worked] with two older men who worked there. I don't recall seeing their faces at any point during the dream, but for some reason I am able to describe them...like I am familiar with them. One man was stout and had dark, thick facial hair nd yellowed teeth. His eyes were beady and black. The other was very thin, old, and wrinkled. His hair was grey, as were his eyes. All of the animals in the shop [rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, reptiles] were in cages too small for inhabitance. Also, there was a TV in a cage (all of the cages were metal wire) but the TV wasn't playing normal TV shows...it was flashing through what seemed to be other people's lives and the people acknowledged the fact that the TV was now featuring them.
Outside the shop was complete chaos yet it was completely noiseless. I kept pulling down the blinds on the window to the right of the door and looking up at the moon. Every time I would pull back the blinds, my dream would leap from inside the shop to outside in some random place in our solar system. I was moving around at the speed of light and I could feel the pull in my stomach. The moon would zoom off its orbit [I followed the moon during these times], find the planet closest to the sun and charge at it. The planet would explode or be destroyed in some equally as dramatic way and then I would be transported back to the little pet shop. This happened for all of the planets excluding Pluto [which 'isn't a planet' anymore, anyway] and Earth. I don't remember the exact timeline because it's ridiculously hard to remember dreams correctly but I remember looking at all of the animals and they were all freaking out and I kept telling the two men that it was because they knew the apocolypse was coming. The animals could sense it and we couldn't. To help ease their frantic state I poured woodchips into all of the cages [yeah, I have no idea how that would help anything]. Also, I remember there was a man on the TV who looked like Mr.T and he was sitting in a motel room on a bed. The end of the bed [which he was sitting on] was facing east [as was he] if whatever was recording him was facing north. He kept his head turned looking at the TV screen the entire time he was on the TV. Never blinked, never spoke, never changed expression...just stared into the TV. His hand were doing something in the corner of the screen but I was too transfixed with his staring to move my eyes to see what he was doing. The TV channel changed and I looked out the window again and saw the moon come back into the sky and then I was sucked out to watch it destroy some other planet. After it had finished, I came back and the two men were still in the same place they had been the entire dream. I picked up a sack of potatoes, looked inside and saw that, besides a bunch of potatoes, there were these small black cotton ball looking things. I poured two or three of them into each of the animal's cages and watched the things attack and eat each animal. I was 'saving them.' There were three left. I told the younger man to put his hand in the bag and take out a potato. He did and came out with two of the things on his arm, he flinched when they bit and one of them flung off his arm and hit my arm. I felt the bite and then picked it off and threw it at the older man, who it bit in the neck. Both of the men died and I decided to go outside. When I went out, all the silent chaos regained its noise. I looked up at the moon...it had turned a shade of red, not blood red, but close. Also, it had stolen Saturn's rings when it had done whatever it had done and it had put them on cocked up slightly to the left. I started to walk across the street and then everything went silent again. I was hit by a car and I think it killed me. I'm not sure...that's when I woke up. And you know what's extra weird???? The Doors were playing on my stereo... "This is the End, beautiful friend...the end."

Dreams are so weird. There are so many different theories on what dreams are and there are none that make perfect sense. I really wish I knew if they had a purpose, are derived from anywhere specific or if they are just random bits of imagination trying to claw their way from your subconcious into your concious while you sleep.

What do you think dreams are?

1 comment:

MemphisKell said...

Sounds like a book. Why don't you write one. I don't know what dreams are, but they really mess with me sometimes.