

There are 69 days left of school. Who's excited?!?!?! I sure am. I've been going to school for 13 years...I'm so anxious for it to actually be over! No more public school for me! Moving on to...oh, wait...BCC. Not that much of a change, but still, I'm very excited. It's so amazing to think that the is the end of childhood; I've finally fought my way out!



lizayouloveit said...

Seriously 69 days? I had no idea thank you for countin Mr Gorbachev its much apprecaited amongst the senior population. I'm really excited to move on to, bigger and better things ahead for us!! =]

Sarah said...

HAHA!!!! of course you would be counting down! It's actually kinda scary, but really exciting at the same time (well for me at least). I wish you the best after high school!!!