

I forgot this blog existed for a while there.

"Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature. There were eternities during which it did not exist. And when it is all over with the human intellect, nothing will have happened. "

This is from Nietzsche's 'On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense'. I have been a fan of Nietzsche since I was introduced to his fantastic cynicism but, I recently came across this essay and it blew my mind. I absolutely love it. This [the quote] is my favorite peice of the essay, I think...I agree with it so much. I am disgusted with the way humans are so concieted and ridiculous. What would ever make one think that humans are the 'supreme beings'? There is a whole universe out there, quite possibly more. We only use 10% of our brains; that looks pretty pathetic to me. For all we know, there could be millions of other highly functional beings in other glaxies, solar systems, universes that use 67.8402% of their brains. Who's supreme now!?
Humans need to be humbled. Not many people think about the fact that, if you go back in time far enough, humans didn't exist. And, as Nietzsche made of the point of, if you go far enough ahead in time we, again, will be absent from existance.
Then to think about reality. Reality is the strangest concept if you think about it enough. What is reality? It's different to everyone, realitive; nothing concrete. And then there are things that are 'real' that we are completely unaware of...like colors. Our eyes/brain can only perceive a small amount of the EM spectrum. In altered states of mind, there have been many instances of people 'seeing' colors that don't exist. That's so interesting! I hate that I can't know all these things.
I guess in the long run, I'm contradicting myself with all of this nonsense; preaching about how humans need to get a reality check and how we are all useless parasites. It all doesn't matter anyway, if we acknowledge the fact, all it will do is create a dull and uninteresting society. Oh well, whatever happens, we all end up the same: dead.

pft! I'm not a pessimest. Why would you think such horrid things!?

1 comment:

Samantha Schoonmaker said...

ahahaha i love the conclusion
we need to figure out how to see these so called "other colors"!